Question: Can you plant two snake plants together?

ANSWER: Absolutely YES – planting two snake plants together is acceptable, even encouraged. Snake plants require a tight root system to support their beautiful tall sword-shaped leaves. By co-planting snake plants in the same pot (or in close proximity), it achieves a tight root system quickly, and they can focus on producing more leaf growth.

Can you Plant Two Snake Plants Together

Welcome to today’s feature article at the Garden Bench Top. As part of our continuing series on snake plants (aka mother-in-law’s tongue), we’ll discuss the benefits of planting two (or more) of these hardy plants together.

In this article, you can expect to learn:

  • instructions for planting two snake plants together,
  • considerations you should make, and
  • Answering common questions, like can you plant two varieties of snake plants together?

So, grab a coffee, and let’s begin.

Instructions for Planting Two Snake Plants Together

As we established earlier, planting two snake plants together in one planter is a great idea.

Snake plants belong to that unique group of plants that prefer a tight root system, like spider plants, African violets, and peace lilies.

Not only does it benefit the snake plants. You also instantly create a fantastic-looking pot plant rather than wait for it to grow out (we know how painstaking it can be!)

credit: giphy

Here are the steps for planting two snake plants together.

1. Preparation

The first step is to collect all your materials for the repotting process.

You’ll need:

  • trowel
  • fresh potting mix (we have the perfect snake plant soil recipe HERE)
  • snake plants that will be combined into one pot
  • new pot

Remember to sterilize all your gardening tools and utensils with rubbing alcohol to prevent the spreading of any disease.

2. Prepare Your Snake Plants

Remove the snake plants from their old pots.

  1. For plastic containers, gently squeeze the sides of the container to loosen the plant from the pot. You can skip this step if your snake plants are in ceramic pots.
  2. Spread your hand over the surface of the potting soil. We like to support the leaves of the snake plant snugly between our fingers to provide plant support.
  3. In a smooth, swift action, tip the pot upside down. Your snake plant will likely still be sticking to the pot. You’ll feel some topsoil fall, which is to be expected.
  4. Gently coax the plant out of its pot but shimmying it out of its home. As the plant comes out, you should begin to feel the weight of the plant on your support hand.
  5. Once the snake plant is out, remove the old soil manually and wash the roots under warm water.
preparing snake plant for repotting

3. Set up the New Pot

Now for the repotting process.

Fill the new larger container with fresh potting mix until it is approximately two-thirds full.

Create holes a few inches deep and wide enough to accommodate the root ball.

Carefully place a snake plant in each hole and backfill with more soil until it can stand independently.

You can top up more soil around each snake plant. Make sure not to cover the leaves, as it can promote rot.

4. Water Your Snake Plants

Now it is time for water. Give your newly combined snake plants a healthy watering and ensure any excess water exits the pot’s drainage holes.

After Care for Combined Snake Plants

The week following a repotting is the most critical time for a plant. It will determine whether you have succeeded in transplanting your beloved sansevierias.

Here are a few tips for ensuring a speedy recovery for your snake plants:

  1. Place them in a place that receives indirect light conditions. Stick to indirect sunlight, and avoid bright direct sunlight, until you have observed new leaf growth.
  2. Keep the temperature between 60-80° Fahrenheit (15-26° Celsius) and humidity to low levels.
  3. Frequent watering once every two weeks. Snake plants don’t do well in soggy soil and are susceptible to root rot. Never mist your snake plants. It can lead to fungal diseases developing on the leaves and increases the humidity.
Planting snake plants together

Combining Two Snake Plants – Other Considerations

For the most part, you have completed the process of creating your very own snake plant sanctuary. But, there are a few other considerations to be made.

Pot Choice

The choice of the pot is not usually a significant consideration when repotting plants.

However, we recommend spending more time on snake plants to ensure you have picked the correct pot size and type.

As we mentioned earlier, snake plants like to have a tight root system to support their large foliage. Therefore, choosing a pot that is roughly one-third bigger than the two snake plants’ root balls is the ideal size. There is enough room for growth, but not too much that it stunts the development of the snake plant while it develops a tighter root system.

You also want to choose a porous material to help with aeration and moisture control in the soil. Terracotta is a good option that delivers both qualities.

You can read more about snake plant pot selection in our article HERE.

Soil Properties

Using suitable soil for your snake plants will determine whether your journey as a snake plant owner is filled with joy and appreciation OR frustration and disappointment.

The ideal soil for snake plants should include the following properties:

  • a loam consistency,
  • excellent drainage qualities,
  • is light and airy to allow the roots access to oxygen, and
  • has nutrients that will fuel your snake plant’s growth and health.

We have developed our own Garden Bench Top recipe blend of snake plant soil which you can watch in our short video below:

Planting Snake Plants Together: Frequently Asked Questions

Can You Plant Different Types of Snake Plants Together?

YES – you can plant different varieties of snake plant in one pot.

It is an effective way to achieve a varied look with different colors, shapes, and aesthetics. If you plan the pot out well enough, it can even become a feature plant arrangement in your home that will wow any guest.

We like to combine tall growing snake plants with the low shrub-like snake plants to achieve a rounded look to our snake plants.

Do snake plants like to be crowded?

One thing we hope you have picked up from this article is that snake plants do like to be crowded. In fact, they thrive in crowded conditions because it allows the roots to support the tall sword-shaped leaves above the ground.

Do snake plants grow better in close proximity?

You will often see snake plants develop pups in close proximity to the mother plant to create a more stable environment for themselves. Keeping new plants in close quarters helps to maintain a tight rooting structure and prevents their leaves from falling over.

How far apart should snake plants be planted?

When planting indoor snake plants in one houseplant pot, we usually space them 6 inches apart (15 cm).

However, if you are planting your snake plants outside, they are typically spaced at least 1 foot (30 cm) apart. However, if you notice that your snake plants are starting to lean towards each other, you may need to move them closer together.