How Big Can Snake Plants Grow? Complete Guide

Snake plants vary in height depending on their variety. You can have dwarf, medium, and tall varieties of Sansevieria (mother-in-law’s tongue).

Snake Plant Height


  • snake plants vary in height and can be classified into three different height classes; large (over 4 feet tall), medium (2-4 feet), and dwarf varieties (under 2 feet)
  • snake plants are slow growers and can take years to reach maturity (maximum height)
  • you can encourage snake plants to reach maturity faster by providing optimal growing conditions

So you added a snake plant to your collection, but there is a small problem. It looks the same as it did the day you purchased it months ago!

Why isn’t it growing? How long will it take to reach its full snake plant height?

We’ll help you answer all your questions surrounding snake plant height and growth rates and drop a few tips and tricks along the way to help you encourage speedier growth.

Snake Plant Height Growth – What to Expect

We wish we could provide you with a simple answer to the question – how big will my snake plant grow?

However, in reality, the answer will depend on a few factors. Such as

  • the variety of your snake plant
  • and the conditions in which you are growing your plant (indoors or outdoors)
  • the time of the year can also affect the rate of growth for your sansevieria

Let’s explore these factors and help you determine your snake plant height.

Snake Plant Varieties and Height

Regular readers will know we are big fans of the humble snake plant. And part of that fascination surrounds the varying colors, shapes, and sizes they come in.

medium sized snake plants

As far as the size classifications go, there are three main categories:

  1. Dwarf snake plants
  2. Medium-sized snake plants, and
  3. Large snake plants.

Dwarf Snake Plants

Dwarf snake plants are reserved for those varieties that are ground-dwelling snake plants. They grow to a maximum of 2 feet (60 cm) and grow in clusters on the ground.

Some examples of dwarf snake plant varieties include:

One of the main benefits of dwarf snake plant varieties is they help fill out low-lying spaces in your succulent gardens. Due to their slow growth habits, they won’t suffocate your garden and slowly propagate themselves along the ground through their underground stems, called rhizomes.

Medium-sized Snake Plants

The middle tier of snake plant sizes is usually reserved for those snake plants that grow between 2-4 feet.

Medium-sized snake plants make great additions to indoor plant gardens due to their unusual appearance. Their long sword-shaped leaves with variegated patterns can add a very striking visual. Plus, they are straightforward to maintain and tolerant of various environments and conditions.

Medium-sized snake plant varieties include:

Large Snake Plants

Did you know snake plants can reach staggering heights of around 10 feet (305 cm or over 3 meters)?!

In fact, the crown for the tallest snake plant is the Sansevieria Stucki, which sports the cylindrical version of snake plant leaves. They are a site to behold, like huge green spikes projecting from the ground.

sansevieria stuckyi tall snake plant

Now, if that isn’t a garden statement piece, we don’t know what is.

In general, however, any snake plant growing above 4 feet is considered a large snake plant.

When grown indoors, snake plants don’t usually reach these heights. However, they can reach their full potential when grown in the ground with plenty of nutrients, light, and space.

Some examples of larger snake plants include:

How to Grow Your Snake Plants Grow Tall

It may sound like common sense. However, to help your snake plants achieve their full potential, they need to be provided with optimal care and conditions.

snake plants in pots

This includes:

  • Light conditions – plenty of bright indirect sunlight for indoors and in a position that receives direct sunlight when grown outside in the ground
  • Soil – a well-draining soil that has a loam consistency. Keeping the roots of your snake plant dry but with access to moisture is essential for preventing disease and pests from attacking your plants.
  • Fertilizer – snake plants are not fussy, like other plants. All they require are the base elements of any fertilizer to keep their internal processes working effectively. This means a well-balanced fertilizer that includes Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), and Potassium (K).

We have a comprehensive article discussing encouraging tall growth in your snake plants HERE. We encourage you to jump on over and check it out.

General Snake Plant Care to Keep It Healthy

Besides setting your snake plant up in the right conditions, there are some other general housekeeping chores you should keep on top to ensure they remain healthy.

Repotting Your Snake Plant

Regularly upgrading your snake plant to larger pots will encourage more robust, faster growth.

However, be careful not to become too zealous and upgrade your snake plant too fast or too quickly just because you want a taller plant. Repotting your snake plant in a too-big pot can stunt its growth as it tries to establish a tight root system.

Each time you upgrade, the general rule is to transplant them into a pot size 2-3 inches bigger than its previous home. In addition, make sure you use a planter with drainage holes to allow any excess water to drain out to prevent root rot. We like to use a terracotta pot for our Sansevieria, as it is a porous material that helps to provide air circulation for the strong roots.

Pruning Your Snake Plant

Snake Plants need to be trimmed back regularly to keep them looking healthy and attractive.

We encourage you to prune off any dead or diseased leaves, then cut away all stems below the top growth point. You can also trim the roots to promote new growth.

We have put together a helpful guide to trimming your snake plants in this ARTICLE.

Environmental Factors

Snake plants generally prefer temperatures between 70 – 95° F (21 – 32° C) and dry air (low to medium humidity).

That being said, they have been cultivated to still grow in cooler climates. However, you will most likely see slower growth and potentially duller coloration on their leaves.

We would avoid temperatures below 50° F (10° C), as the plant may go into hibernation and won’t enjoy these conditions.